
10 Upcoming Superhero Movies That Will Blow You Away in 2020

Superman: Red Son

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#3 Superman: Red Son

The completion of three animated DC films is planned for 2020, the first of which is Superman’s adaptation: Red Son. This 2003 Elseworlds miniseries, written by Mark Millar, is set up during the Cold War and imagines a world in which Kal-El in the Soviet Union crashed. The Kryptonian grew up on a farm in Ukraine instead of Kansas and was born as “the hero of the common worker.”who fights a never-ending battle for Stalin, socialism, and the international expansion of the Warsaw Pact.” Stalin appears briefly in Superman: Red Son’s first trailer, but his presence is overshadowed by a couple of Superman’s Justice League colleagues — or versions of them, at least.

One of the highlights in the video is when Superman faces off against Russian Batman (a.k.a Batmankoff), who is then seen from the chopper he’s piloting launching missiles. The Dark Knight, a familiar role for the veteran voice actor, is portrayed by Roger Craig Smith (Batman: Arkham Origins, Batman Ninja).

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Every time around, as has Jason Isaacs, who leads the line as the Soviet Superman, he has adopted a Russian accent. Vanessa Marshall (who repeatedly played Wonder Woman) takes up the role in Red Son, but this is another Themyscira’s Diana.

Diana meets Kal-El in the capacity of an ambassador, sent by her mother to the state of Stalin. She is eventually won over to the cause of communism, and the film by Sam Liu would naturally follow the same path.

Scheduled release date: February 25, 2020

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