#5 The Real Bobby Dunbar
Bobby Dunbar disappeared in 1912 while fishing at Swayze Lake in Louisiana. His family searched for eight months before finding him in Mississippi, but the story soon began to twist as Bobby’s family was unsure if the young boy was really Bobby, and the man found with Bobby claimed the boy was a relative of his, according to History 101.
However, another family stepped in and claimed the boy was their missing child. DNA testing nearly 100 years later proved that this was not Bobby – the real Bobby was never found.
#4 The Methuen Water Demon Went Up The Waterspout
One day in 1963, the Martins were sitting in their living room when they noticed water dripping down the wall. When Mr. Martin got up to check, the family saw a jet of water spraying out, according to Strange.
The fire department and engineers checked the home but could not find the source of the water.
The family moved to nearby Lawrence, but the column of water came with them. They even tore down the “weeping wall” – but the inside of the wall was dry. Eventually, the water stopped on its own.
#3 The Circle Stone And The Sea Of Galilee
Some mysteries happen by accident: When scientists found a massive circular structure 30 feet below the Galilee Sea, they were looking for something else, CNN reports. The basalt structure, which appears to have been built on land with many large stones and then submerged, may be 2,000 to 12,000 years old, but what it was built for is a mystery.
It is difficult to study it when it is underwater, but equally difficult to raise the kinds of funds needed to bring such a massive structure out without damaging it.
#2 A Ship Named Mary Celeste
After a troubled past, the catamaran Mary Celeste was owned by Captain Benjamin Briggs.
In 1872, he took his family and eight experienced crew members to sea and was never heard from again.
According to History, less than a month after leaving New York Harbor, a ship from England spotted the Mary Celeste, which was sailing at full speed but drifting. There was no one inside, and no sign of foul play. Many theories have been put forward, but the mystery remains – the captain, family and crew were never seen again.
#1 The Money Pit Of Oak Island
For more than 200 years, adventurers have been digging deep into the Oak Island money pit in search of pirate treasure. A local teenager noticed strange lights on Oak Island. According to the Oak Island Money Pit, after investigating, he found a circular area, so he and his friends began digging.
Incredibly, more than two centuries later – even with modern technology – we still don’t know what’s down there, but an elaborate network of tunnels has apparently been dug.
Some have even linked the island to the Knights Templar and the Freemasons.