15 Things Suri Cruise Will Never Be Able to Do Due to Her Dad Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise has a very complicated relationship with the people that used to be in his life. Now, no one knows if these choices were his personal own or if he is just following all of the rules and regulations of the Church of Scientology. Either way, it always looks like Tom Cruise is cutting ties or burning bridges with people that he once loved and cared for in his past. His way of life is so important to him that he is willing to cut out anyone that interferes with it in any way.
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One of those people just happens to be his daughter, Suri Cruise. Now, we are not saying that he has totally cut ties with her. But, he hasn’t made much of an effort to be seen in public with her in recent years. As a matter of fact, some publications out there have even insisted that Tom hasn’t physically seen or been in the same room as Suri in nearly four years. That’s because Suri is no longer a member of the Church of Scientology. Of course, none of these reports are confirmed. With that being said though, there are certain things that Suri won’t be able to do or enjoy now that she’s not in her father’s life every day.
First and foremost, Suri Cruise won’t be able to attend any Scientology events with her father Tom Cruise. Now, we don’t know if she would want to even be there, but the fact of the matter is, it’s not her choice. According to reports, Suri’s mother Katie Holmes divorced Tom Cruise because she didn’t want to see Suri growing up in the church. She made the decision knowing that it would spilt their family apart, but she had to do what was best for her daughter. And that was to escape her personal hell.
Tom has said, “It's well known I'm a Scientologist, and that has helped me to find that inner peace in my life and it's something that has given me great stability and tools that I use.”
Love him or hate him, there’s no denying that Tom Cruise will always be an A-list star. He’s got that kind of name recognition that a lot of people in the entertainment industry wish they had. It doesn’t matter where you go, everyone knows who Tom Cruise is. Unfortunately, Suri Cruise won’t be able to enjoy the same perks that come with her father’s A-list status. That’s because from what we know, she lives full time with her mother, Katie Holmes.
Now, that’s not to say that Suri Cruise doesn’t spend any time with her father. We don’t know what goes on behind closed doors. But many different gossip and tabloid magazines have pointed out that Tom hasn’t been publicly seen with his daughter in several years. In comparison, he used to be seen with Suri all the time before the divorce.
Now, we don’t know what kind of father Tom Cruise really is. All we know is what he chooses to show us in public. But from what we can gather, Tom is the kind of person that takes his public image very seriously. He doesn’t take criticism very well and he always wants to look like he’s in control. Unfortunately, that doesn't look to be the case between him and Suri. That’s because they are often on different sides of the world.
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If Suri Cruise is looking to go to any daddy-daughter dances in the future, she has a better chance of asking her mother’s boyfriend Jamie Foxx to take her. That’s because Jamie and Katie have been dating for several years now. Even though they’ve tried to hide their romance under the radar, it’s obvious they are into each other. Plus, Jamie has great dance moves!
Not only does Suri Cruise have to count on Jamie Foxx to take her to any future dances, but it looks like he has to give her a ride to gymnastics practice, too. Before Katie Holmes pulled the plug on her marriage, Tom Cruise was often spotted taking Suri to gymnastics practices in and around New York City. In fact, a day didn’t go by that the paparazzi wasn’t there, either. But unfortunately, that all slowed down quickly the moment Katie and Tom split.
As much as Tom wants his fans to believe that he’s a hands-on father, we just haven’t seen it. That, or his approach to the paparazzi and the photographers have drastically changed after he and Katie parted ways. Either way, something is up. The only problem is that no one know what is really going on.
Without her father Tom Cruise, Suri Cruise can no longer enjoy lavish holiday celebrations in his home in Telluride, Colorado. We are sure everyone remembers that time Tom Cruise took Oprah for a ride on his snowmobile around his private property, right? Not only is it vast, but it is absolutely gorgeous. Some fans will even go as far as saying that Tom’s private estate in Colorado looks like heaven on Earth. You can enjoy every possible luxury available on earth at Tom’s places!
Luckily, Suri has been spending a lot of time with her mother’s family in Ohio for the holidays. Now, Oprah might not be there, but we haven’t heard Suri do any complaining about it. We sure she is having fun, with or without her dad or the luxury homes for that matter.
Tom Cruise used to love bringing his entire family on the red carpet with him during his movie premieres. Sadly, we haven’t seen that happen in a long time. In fact, we haven’t even seen Tom Cruise with another girlfriend in the last five years. The actor hasn’t been in a serious relationship ever since Katie Holmes dumped him. It’s also important to point out that Tom doesn’t do many interviews or press junkets, either. He lives in a very controlled environment, so to speak. There are very few people in this world that actually have access to him.
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You would think that Tom would take the opportunity to make his daughter Suri his right hand girl, but that hasn’t happened either. Tom once said, “I've always had the same values. Family for me has always been important. When I shoot, everybody comes.”
If there’s one thing that Suri Cruise will never see in her life again, that’s her mother and her father both in the same room at the same time. It’s safe to say at this point that Katie Holmes wants to keep her distance from Tom Cruise and anything connected to Scientology. That means that Suri will never see her parents ever again, let alone hear them talk to one another. All communication has been limited to their private lawyers.
Before the divorce, Katie once had this to say about her husband Tom, “He's the most incredible man. He's so generous and kind, and he helps so many people, and, um, he makes me laugh like I've never laughed, and he's a great friend. Tom and I will always be in our honeymoon phase.”
While a lot of people have been asking, ‘Where the heck is Tom Cruise in Suri Cruise’s life,’ we’ve got another question: where are Connor and Isabella? Before the divorce, they were prominent figures in Suri Cruise’s life. Unfortunately, you never see them with their little sister anymore. But does this really surprise anyone? Connor and Isabella have also not been in contact with their mother, Nicole Kidman, for years.
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Thankfully, Suri’s mom Katie likes to put things in perspective. "Every day, kids get a little further away from you," she said. "That's a positive thing. They should be becoming more independent, but it's heartbreaking. You want them to stay with you forever, but they're amazing beings, and you have to do everything you can to give them what they need — and then they're going to go. And that's going to be very, very hard for me."
Before the divorce, Suri Cruise used to be the best-dressed toddler in the celebrity world. Each and every time we saw her in public, she wore clothes that were more expensive than the average car payment. Whatever Suri wanted, she got. No questions asked. After all, the little girl used to be Tom Cruise’s princess.
But now that Suri doesn’t spend as much time with her father, Katie Holmes controls every aspect of her life. She’s also toned down on the couture clothing by making Suri dress more appropriately for her age. That means no more Dolce and Gabbana shoes. Instead, Suri dresses just like all of her friends from school in clothes from Target and Old Navy instead. Katie has been doing her best to keep her daughter as grounded as possible, despite her own fame.
Tom Cruise is not only one of the most recognizable actors in the world, but he’s also loaded, too. The Hollywood star has a net worth that is more than $500 million dollars. That’s because he has an extensive catalog of successful box office hits. He’s also one of the best paid actors in the biz. Tom Cruise doesn’t need to ask for first class service. He automatically gets it. It’s all part of his Hollywood package.
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But for Suri, that’s not the case at all. Her mother makes her take the New York City subway! "My child is the most important person to me, and her upbringing is paramount to my work right now," Katie said back in 2017. "It's very important that I'm present and she has a stable, innocent childhood. I feel so blessed to do what I do, but there's nothing in the world better than watching your child succeed."
If there’s one thing that Suri Cruise can never talk about ever again in her life (at least publicly), it’s Scientology. While there’s no doubt that it’s a sensitive subject around the dinner table, Katie thinks it’s best if she shields her daughter as much as possible from the controversial religion. That’s why they don’t talk about it or even mention it in passive conversations, either.
Also, Tom knows that people are watching him and listening to every word he speaks. He knows he has to be careful with the things he says. It works both ways. Tom once said, “If I don't talk about my religion, if I say I'm not discussing it or different humanitarian things I'm working on, they're like, 'He's avoiding it.' If I do talk about it, it becomes, 'Oh, he's proselytizing.'”
With that being said, there’s a good possibility that Suri Cruise can’t even ask any questions about her father and his connections to the Church of Scientology. There are no exceptions. Once you’ve left the church for good, there’s no turning back.
As a matter of fact, when Tom Cruise was asked his thoughts about Suri Cruise becoming an actress one day in a 2017 interview, all he said was, “you never know.” And according to the reporter, he then changed the subject to talk about his own career instead. Clearly, Tom doesn’t want to be asked about his daughter, either. A lot of fans find this to be very strange, especially since he used to talk about her non-stop. My, how times have changed. Now he doesn’t even utter her name in public.
We know that Tom Cruise is a very generous man. We’ve all seen him in action and we know that he donates a lot of his time and his money to charities that are very close to his heart. But we have a feeling that if there’s one thing that his daughter Suri Cruise can’t touch, it’s her daddy’s bank account. That is absolutely off limits. In fact, the only people who have access to his bank accounts are his accountants and his lawyers. Everyone else doesn’t count.
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Speaking about his career choices and his success, Tom once said in an interview, “I've never done work for money ever. If your choices are based on grosses and the film doesn't do well, what does that mean? It leaves you with nothing.”
If there’s one thing that Suri probably misses the most, it’s all of the precious daddy and daughter moments that she had with Tom before the divorce. While there’s a lot of things that can be said about Tom Cruise, there’s no denying that he’s a good father. At least, we know that he deeply cares about his children, even if he isn’t seen with them very often. He’s also a very passionate man who has a lot of love to give. But (and it’s a big but), if you’re not playing by his rules, then you’re not in the game.
Tom once put it this way, “I have respect for what other people believe. What I believe in my own life is that it's a search for how I can do things better, whether it's being a better man or a better father or finding ways for myself to improve.”
Speaking of not being able to turn back time, what has been left in the past, has been left in the past. At least, that’s what Katie Holmes is probably telling herself everyday. While she’s thankful that she is where she is today, she doesn’t have nay regrets. According to Katie, everything happens for a reason. She and Suri have never been happier in their lives, too.
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Katie also says that she loves her role as a mother. She once put it this way, “I felt so proud to be having a baby and so excited. And I felt closer to other women - to my sisters, to my mom. I felt empowered, like, 'I've given birth. I did it! There's nothing I can't handle.' I've really enjoyed this time that I have taken to be with Suri.”