
20 Scenes In Children’s Films That Made Us Cry Uncontrollably As Adults

E.T. the Extra Terrestrial (1982)

#11 E.T. the Extra Terrestrial (1982)

“When the bikes take off. I’m sure it’s mostly to do with John Williams’ incredible score, but I hysterically sob every time I watch it. As kids, we’re all told that our thoughts are make believe and to understand that something extraordinary or out of this world is impossible, but in that wonderful cinematic moment that idea is suspended. Watching kids literally defying gravity and their adult doubters is so beautiful and powerful. It both makes my heart burst and breaks it all at the same time.”


A Little Princess (1995)

#12 A Little Princess (1995)

“I rewatched A Little Princess as an adult and bawled my head off at the end. When the dad (Liam Cunningham) screams, “SARAAAAA,” …omfg!”


Bridge to Terabithia (2007)

#13 Bridge to Terabithia (2007)

“When Jess finds out that their rope swing to Terabithia broke, and Leslie died, it’s heartbreaking. It gets me every time.”

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