
The 15 Best Romantic Comedies You Can Watch with Someone You Love

#4. HITCH (2005)

“Hitch” is a romantic comedy, timed for Valentine’s Day, starring Will Smith as Alex “Hitch” Hitchens, professional dating consultant. In the cutthroat world of New York romance, where fates are decided in an instant, your average Lonely Guy needs skilled counseling. Hitch is your man. He understands women: how to get their attention, how to seem heroic in their eyes, what to tell them and what definitely not to tell them.

Where to watch it: Amazon



Jessica, an aspiring playwright in New York City, is trying to get over a recent break-up when she meets Boone, who’s also recovering from a recent split. Together, they figure out a way to make it in a “post-relationship” world.

Where to watch it: Netflix

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#6. JERRY MAGUIRE (1996)

When a sports agent has a moral epiphany and is fired for expressing it, he decides to put his new philosophy to the test as an independent agent with the only athlete who stays with him and his former colleague.

Where to watch it: Amazon

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